• Treadmill

    We have top-best machines i.e. 'Life Fitness 24x7'. It gives a great cardiovascular workout and help improve heart. Each time you step on a treadmill, you step on a treadmill, you strength your heart.

  • Lateral-X

    It is used for arm and leg movement along with cardiovascular workout.

  • Cross Trainer

    It is the combined effect of workout your lower body, arms, and shoulder means that many other muscle groups are needed as well.

  • Zero Runner

    It is to maintain perfect form throughout fatigue, to really activating your "hams and gluts".

  • Recumbent Bike

    Recumbent Bike are gentle on all your joints. Your lower back is supposed by the bucket seat and your knees and ankles are protected from potential injurious impact.

  • Recumbent Cycle

    It is good for heart, lungs to gain muscles and strengthen your leg.

  • Free Weight Section

    It is often used for joint-isolation excercise such as biceps curls, chest fly or shoulder raise.

  • Cross Fit Training

    It is type of strength and conditioning workout that uses your own body weight for resistance in order to build power all over. It helps to better conditioning and versatility, ability to beat through plateaus, lose weight fast, etc..

  • Squat Rack

    Throughout an entire squat, the muscles of your core are forced to work extra hard to keep your body upright and to support your lower back.

  • Flat Bench Press

    It is a core fundamental exercise for developing upper body strength. It puts more stress over the entire pecs. It is effective on chest, front shoulders, triceps brachii, and back.

  • Incline Bench Press

    It is used to develop the upper portion of the pectoral muscles, as it puts more stress on your upper pecs.

  • Decline Chest Press

    It targets the lower portion of your chest better than the flat bench as well as the inclined bench. It rounds, wide and defined the chest.

  • Pec Deck Fly

    It allows you to swing, flap, push and bring your arms together. Strong pecs create a lifted torso, making your posture and confidence soar.

  • Seated Row

    It is considered a general back exercise because it hits so many back muscles. It is effective on chest, shoulder and back.

  • Chest Press

    It is valuable for individuals simply starting to lift weights or those who are coming bacl after a long break. It targets the middle and lower pectorals.

  • Lat Pull Down

    It helps to strengthen the muscles of arm. like the biceps and deltoids along with the rhomboids and trapezius muscles.

  • Leg Press

    It is a weight training exercise in which a individual generally push a weight or resistance away from them using their legs. It builds the lower body strength.

  • Smith Machine

    It is a device that has been around for several decades and is used in many different weight training facility. A smith Machine workout is considered one of the better ways to fully utilize free weights in a controlled environment.

  • Seated Leg Curl

    It is exercise to ensure complete balance between front and back of the leg. It get toned legs, reduce body fat and increase body density.

  • Incline Chest Press

    The chest press machines gives you a mechanical advantage, allowing you to push heavy weights and without worrying about balancing a barbell.

  • Leg Extension

    Regular shoulder presses can improve your performance during triceps-targeting exercises, bench presses and even hand stand push-ups. It decrease your risk of injury during other activities such as swimming, soft ball, lacrosse or other instances where you use your arms and upper body.